


A series of workshops, discussions and participatory performances held in a large wild garden on the outskirts of Berlin and an invitation to engage emotionally, sensorially and imaginatively with the urgent issues of our time. Based on the conviction that systemic, ecological and inner transformation are inextricably linked, these practices are offered as a contribution to more-than-human future flourishing.

02.09.23:  SOLIDARE SOLIDALGO: GROWING TOGETHER APART // a workshop and listening session with Siegmar Zacharias

08.09.23 :WIE MACHT MAN GUTE KUNST FÜR OSTDEUTSCHE? // a film and theatre evening with Burkhard Körner & Rika Weniger

16.09.23: ORGANISMEN DEMOKRATIE IM GARTEN? // a heated, multi-species debate hosted by Club Real

23.09.23:  SOILKIN // a workshop on geologic conviviality with Alexandra Toland

01.10.23: RITES OF GRATITUDE // a workshop and garden feast with Lucy Powell & Ella Ziegler

07.10.23:  ANOTHER GREEN WORLD // a fireside dreaming session with plan b