

LIVING IN THE LIMINAL: let’s metabolize!

31 August – 21 December 2024

The world ‘as we know it’ is unravelling before our eyes and society finds itself in territory for which there is no map. This is a liminal zone between the no longer and the not yet. Six participatory events in the wild garden of the HILDEGARD project space in Berlin-Alt-Hohenschönhausen are offered as an invitation to collectively lean into and learn from the uncertainties, discomforts and shadows that haunt this place – with humility, curiosity and humour – so that the possibility of real transformation can emerge.
© Angel -altered


06.10.24 2–5pm

Ukemi, or the art of falling, is a necessary component of martial arts such as aikido, jiu jitsu and judo. It teaches practitioners to deal with fear, uncertainty and failure more skillfully. Dance artist and somatic therapist Moss Beynon-Juckes offers a workshop exploring choreographies of falling. We will work collectively and alone, surrendering, collapsing, building trust, softening, catching one another, gaining intimacy with different surfaces of the earth.

Please register to participate.

LIVING IN THE LIMINAL is funded by Bezirksamt Lichtenberg Berlin from the Bezirkskulturfonds